Áhppi Rein Lever er et 100% naturlig kosttilskudd basert på lever fra unge rein. Reinlever er en god kilde til proteiner, sunt fett og er spesielt rik på vitamin-A, et bredt spekter av B-vitaminer og jern.

Áhppi Rein Lever ekstra styrke abonnement, 2499 per år
kr 2,499.00 / år
<h3> Need extra strength or two in your household, you can order Áhppi extra strength where you get 2 packs of 120 capsules per year, a total of 240 capsules. We recommend daily dose of 4 capsules. You can open the capsule and stir contents in food, smoothies and other beverages. </ H3>
& nbsp;
<h3> Áhppi Rein Lives </ h3>
100% natural dietary supplement based on live from young reindeer. Áhppi Rein liver is a good source of protein and is rich in iron, B12, vitamin A, selenium, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Generally rich in vitamins and minerals.
<blockquote> Hel, clean, locally produced and honestly care. </ blockquote>
It is important for us that the entire process from harvest to finished product takes place locally and entirely without additives. Áhpppi Rein Lives are sound, clean, locally produced and honestly care. The capsules do not contain magnesium or other filler. We do not lubricate capsule machines with anything. We take pride in providing you with 100% pure food, without any fuss.
We in Rein Strength is therefore proud to be able to give you 100% Arctic nourishment.
<a href=”http://staging4.reinstyrke.no/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ReinStyrke-etikett-bakside-02-700x.jpg” rel=”attachment wp-att-1388″><img class=”size-full wp-image-1388 aligncenter” src=”http://staging4.reinstyrke.no/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ReinStyrke-etikett-bakside-02-700x.jpg” alt=”ReinStyrke-etikett-bakside-01.indd” width=”700″ height=”168″ /></a>
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